Wednesday 2 September 2015

Are Your Medical Records Up For Auction?

Toronto personal injury lawyer Albert CoforziA hospital employee recently got caught with their hand in the cookie jar:
A former Rouge Valley hospital clerk has pleaded guilty to stealing thousands of patient records and selling them to financial brokers over the course of more than a decade. 
Shaida Bandali, 61, who worked at Rouge Valley from 1995-2014, accessed confidential maternity ward records, including the names and contact information of mothers as well as the names and birthdates of their babies, and sold them for between $1 and $2.75 each to salespeople of Registered Education Savings Plans, according to an agreed statement of facts read out in court Monday.
Apparently the leaking of personal, confidential information by Bandali was not itself a crime but the sale of the information created a breach of the Securities Act.

Hopefully hospital administrators and the law will continue to root out the sources of these "favours."

This reminds me of someone who came to see me at my office not too long ago. They described having been to the emergency room following a car accident. Nothing unusual there. However, the next day they were called by a clinic saying, “We are following up on your visit to emergency yesterday to arrange for your physio assessment.”

Assessment? Clinic? News to the patient.

I wonder how that clinic got the patient's personal information. I also wonder who received a little “show of gratitude” for the info.

Hopefully hospital administrators and the law will continue to root out the sources of these "favours."

I am a personal injury lawyer with Pace Law Firm in Toronto. Contact me if you have any questions.

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